
Gungnir Models and Changesets can be used for form validation. A real world example would be to have a user registration form. We can share our models with Clojure and Clojurescript.

Account Model + password match validation

A basic model we can use for both frontend validation and before save validation.

   [:account/id {:primary-key true} uuid?]
    [:re {:error/message "Invalid email"} #".+@.+\..+"]]
   [:account/password {:before-save [:bcrypt]} [:string {:min 6}]]
   [:account/password-confirmation {:virtual true} [:string {:min 6}]]]})

(defn password-match? [m]
  (= (:account/password m)
     (:account/password-confirmation m)))

(defmethod gungnir.model/validator :register/password-match? [_]
  {:validator/key :account/password-confirmation
   :validator/fn password-match?
   :validator/message "Passwords don't match"})

Clojurescript form

In this example we create a form using Hiccup syntax. This is a very simplified example with no styling. The following points are important in this example:

  • Add the :data-gungnir-form property to the form with the key :register.

  • Next we add labels to each input field with the .gungnir-error class.

;; Simplified form with no styling
 {:data-gungnir-form :register}

  [:label.gungnir-error {:for :account/email}]
  [:input {:name :account/email}]]

  [:label.gungnir-error {:for :account/password}]
  [:input {:name :account/password}]]

  [:label.gungnir-error {:for :account/password-confirmation}]
  [:input {:name :account/password-confirmation}]]]

Clojurescript validation handler

Next we can handle the validation through the gungnir.ui.form/handle-validation multimethod. This handler matches on the form key we defined (:register). And expect a map to be returned. If that map contains a :changeset/errors key which is not nil, it will inject the error messages in the proper labels.

(defmethod gungnir.ui.form/handle-validation :register [_ params]
  (-> params
      (gungnir.changeset/cast :account)
      (gungnir.changeset/create [:register/password-match?])))

After the page has loaded, you will need to initialize Gungnir’s form validation.


The final result, with some styling.
