

(assoc ?changeset & kvs)

Add key value pairs to ?changeset. If ?changeset is a model record then create a new changeset. Key value pairs will be added to :changeset/params.


(cast m ?model)

Cast the map m to a record of ?model. Any unknown keys will be discarded. Strings and keywords will be converted to qualified-keywords.


(create params)(create ?origin ?params)(create origin params validators)

Create a changeset to be inserted into the database. Changesets can either be used to create or update a row.

params will update the record with the fields supplied. params must be cast to a proper model record. If no other map is supplied, the changeset will create a new row on save!.

origin is a map of the original record to be updated. If an origin map is provided, and the primary-key is not nil, it will update the row on save!

validators can also be supplied to perform extra checks on the entire resulting record.


(merge ?changeset & m)

Merge maps into ?changeset. If ?changeset is a model record then create a new changeset. All maps in m will be merged into :changeset/params.


(update ?changeset & kvs)

Update ?changeset with key value pairs. If ?changeset is a model record then create a new changeset. Key value pairs will be update in :changeset/params. If a key is not found in :changeset/params, the key will be taken from :changeset/origin, updated, and added to :changeset/params.